Monday, October 23, 2006

Morbid Madness

This past weekend, with my best gal by my side, I ventured out to the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn.

A couple days prior I had seen a show on PBS about different areas and cool places to go in Brooklyn, and this place looked pretty intriguing. To give a bit of history on the cemetery, it was built in the1838, during Victorian times. Back then, death was a prevalent part of their society so they wanted a cemetery that wasn’t so “doom and gloomy”. When it was being built, it was meant to be a cemetery-cum-park, and indeed, when it did open, it became quite a popular place to visit and have picnics.

It’s still pretty popular to this day, when we went there were a couple groups of people there wandering around like us. It was a pretty cool place, considering it was a big ol’ cemetery. There were some really creepy (but cool) mausoleums, even one that was a pyramid.

I was searching for the legendary Leonard Bernstein’s grave, but never found it. We did find Aaron Burr’s grave though, and also found the Minerva statue that they had featured in the PBS program. Minerva stands at the summit of the cemetery, marking the area of a famous battle and saluting her sister The Statue of Liberty in the harbor below.

Overall, it was a pretty cool place. If you ever find yourself down by 25th & 5th in Brooklyn, go and visit it.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Sometimes I cry
'Cause it makes my eyes look bluer
Sometimes I bleed
'Cause red is a good color for me

--Best lyrics ever!!! :)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Maine Mayhem

This past weekend me and Miss D went up to Maine to visit with my parents. Despite the 5.5hr drive each way I think it was pretty fun.

We drove up on Saturday, went for a hike on Sunday, got Dana some authentic Maine lobster, played a riviting couple of games of Uno then watched "RV" with Robin Williams. We drove back to Dana's on Monday.

I had never brought anyone home to meet my parents, so it was a bit nerve wracking for me, but my parents really liked Dana and I hope the feeling was likewise.

Below are some pics of our exciting hiking adventure.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My demons come out to play
When you ask me how I feel
When you beg me to tell you my thoughts
They come with unmitigated zeal

These thoughts and feelings
That have laid dormant for so long
Come to the forefront
And the feeling is so strong

I’m scared to tell their secrets
Afraid of what, I’m not sure
Maybe I’m afraid that if I tell them
Then of them, I’ll be cured

These secrets have become my life
A part of my reality
It seems like they’ve always been with me
Like a congenital abnormality

But now it’s all out there
All the cards are on the table
And I feel a strange emptiness
Like someone has cut the cable

A tie severed from my former life
Freeing me into the new
The demons that once haunted me
Are now defeated and through

Monday, October 02, 2006

Weekend Shenanigans

Whooo!!! This weekend was fun times, lemme tell ya!!

Friday and Saturday night doing Hedwig with my best gal by my side. Good times. :)

Went to go see Jackass 2 on Sunday. Quite possibly the stupidest movie ever (I don't know, I didn't see the first Jackass movie), but it was amusing. Though I did have to draw the line at the "leach on the eye" thing.

And I was late to work this morning. Fortunately my boss knew about my fun filled weekend coming up and she wasn't surprised by my late entry at 8:40am this morning (supposed to be there at 8am).

All in all, it was a pretty eventful weekend. And I got to see mi amor for the first time in three weeks!! Next weekend we're making the trek up to Maine to visit my parents...that should be exciting. ;) Anywho, at least I'll get to spend a little more time with my love and not have to be rushing around doing Hedwig crap. ;)

I'll post pics once I get 'em!! :)